
End of Year Fundraising Campaigns

Giving Tuesday is over. Giving SEASON is just beginning!

According to our friends at DoubletheDonation, 30% of ALL ANNUAL GIVING happens in December, with 10% rolling in the last three days of the year. Read that again. And remember, before December comes Giving Tuesday. Last year, GT campaigns SMASHED previous records: In 2022, in 24 hours, donors in the U.S. gave $3.1 BILLION dollars. That’s a 15% increase over 2021.

There’s still plenty of time to finish your 2023 fundraising on a high note! Here’s how.

Shout out to savvy fundraisers, who are doing an awesome job procuring more recurring donors! In 2021, 46% of donors were enrolled in a recurring donation program. That percentage jumped to 57% in 2022. We suspect once the final numbers for 2023 are tallied, we’ll see an even BIGGER percentage. We’ll be sure to share those stats once they’re in, but in the meantime, fellow fundraisers, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!